Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our afternoon walk brought us to the trails behind the high school. We took a side trip off the trail to explore the fields. The trails have a tremendous amount of ticks and we try not to walk them until we have a good freeze.

Good smell on Richmond Beach

Our early morning walk brought us to Richmond Beach. We try to walk down to the water on the weekends and look for wildlife. We have seen deer, eagles, beaver, and several different ducks.

Old Man Cave Bridge

Thank goodness Wally tied off this bridge. The bridge has been working as a dam during high water.

Molly getting her hair done

After washing the dogs we use a heat less airdryer to help dry them off.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Terry's new toy

Terry sold one of his corvettes and bought this customized GTO. No roof, no windshield wipers maybe not to practical for Maine.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Little Princes resting on the pirate

Patently waiting for trick-or-treaters

Max, Molly and Nora spent an hour and a half watching trick-or-treaters. They were a hit with the kids and parents. I sat outside to hand out candy and some of the kids walked right by me without getting their candy to look at the dogs.

Hard night of trick or treating Nora naps