Sunday, December 28, 2008

For Sale By Owner

I Subcontractor that we do a lot of work with has a camp (nice house) on a large lake in Maine. He does not get along well with his Neighbor. His neighbor is a typical implant from away who wants everything his way. After a long dispute over some trees my friend bought this nice camper and placed it in front of the neighbors water view.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Rubbing against the snow

The dogs love to rub against the hard snow. When we let them out in the back yard the first thing they do is rub against the hard cold snow.

What happens when your emergancy break fails

One of Terry's used cars was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Our yard fork lift was parked up hill of the Saab and the emergency break failed on the fork lift.

Sunset Richmond Beach

Another picture of Richmond Beach.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Swan Island

Swan Island early morning during our morning walk.

walk after snow storm

I took the dogs for walk at the High School this afternoon.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Our afternoon walk brought us to the trails behind the high school. We took a side trip off the trail to explore the fields. The trails have a tremendous amount of ticks and we try not to walk them until we have a good freeze.

Good smell on Richmond Beach

Our early morning walk brought us to Richmond Beach. We try to walk down to the water on the weekends and look for wildlife. We have seen deer, eagles, beaver, and several different ducks.

Old Man Cave Bridge

Thank goodness Wally tied off this bridge. The bridge has been working as a dam during high water.

Molly getting her hair done

After washing the dogs we use a heat less airdryer to help dry them off.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Terry's new toy

Terry sold one of his corvettes and bought this customized GTO. No roof, no windshield wipers maybe not to practical for Maine.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Little Princes resting on the pirate

Patently waiting for trick-or-treaters

Max, Molly and Nora spent an hour and a half watching trick-or-treaters. They were a hit with the kids and parents. I sat outside to hand out candy and some of the kids walked right by me without getting their candy to look at the dogs.

Hard night of trick or treating Nora naps

Saturday, October 25, 2008

New Glouster Toll Plaza office addition

This bulding addition for a 12' square office for the MTA is $140,000.

Just Molly

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Eagle Lake new water wells

This picture is of two wells we installed in Eagle Lake this summer. The wells were drilled under a separate contract, we installed the buried pipe to the wells, installed the pumps and top 12' section of the well.

Cascade Brook Pump Station Saco

This is a picture of a pump station we are building in Saco across the street from Aquaboggan. To look at the sand you would think this job was at the beach. The 330 excavator in the picture is our largest excavator.

Ogunquit 10/21/08

I went to a prebid in Ogunquit this morning. The sewer pump station I looked at is between two hotels on the beach. The is the view from the back lawn of the pump station.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The digging begins

Finally I am replacing the sills on the garage. If you are out of shape and need some exercise, try sill replacement.

Nora enjoying the fall sun.


I love this picture Lynn took of Nora.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Lynn has been busy canning and freezing local grown foods. She has made lots of pickles, strawberry and raspberry jam, pickled beets, frozen corn, frozen beets, and even canned beet greens.


We had a visitor in the house Tuesday and Wednesday night. Lynn wasn't impressed. Tuesday I woke from Lynn screaming after she saw a bat flying in the bathroom. I was able to get the bat down into the living room and close the doors but then I proceeded to loose her. I spent an hour tearing the living room apart but I could not find the little girl. KT found her in the door jamb of the front door the next morning. She shut the inside door, opened the outside door and the bat eventually left. The next night while we were watching tv she was back. This time I was able to open the doors and get her outside, but I was never certain she left the porch. I smartened up and search the house for a opening the bat was using to get in and found a one of Ben's storm window screens out of it's track.

Max just Max

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Dog Play

It was a little dark to take pictures but the effect is cool. Max and Molly were wrestling after a day at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Casco Bay Cruse

Terry rented a Casco Bay Cruise Line boat this afternoon to celebrate his wifes birthday. Lynn and I along with 70 +/- other friends and relatives spent the afternoon cruising Casco Bay. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time. These two sail boats crossed our path just off Portland Headlight.

Friday, July 4, 2008

vegetables in our flowers

We have vegetables in our flowers. Summer squash and cucumbers to the right and tomatoes in the middle.

pole beans

Where we have sun we are trying to grow vegetables. I put up the chicken wire last weekend and the next day one of the bean plants had gone up the wire about 6".

three metal dogs

Lynn picked up these wonderful little dogs last week.


Roger made us this wonderful little table for our 23thrd anniversary.


The first garden we planted is to the right and seems to be growing like it should. We had our first lettuce for lunch today. The cucumbers are flowering and the tomatos are about 4' high. We used my home made compost and the top soil from where the garden is planted. The garden to the left is our square foot garden with our high tech soil. The soil is 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 peat moss, 1/6 compost, 1/6 cow manurer. We planted the garden about two weeks ago and the peas are about 6" high and everything else has come up. The cat thought the garden made a great cat box so KT and I built a chicken wire cage to keep them out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Max and Molly Swimming

Max and Molly love to swim but Molly really loves to swim. She never seems to tire, after twenty minuets or so we have to stop because we are afraid she will get to tired.

Max's first swim

Max finally got the courage to swim.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Wood pile

This picture show the finish painted fence, the window boxes KT and Ben gave Lynn for Mothers Day, and two cord of wood for next winter.

low budget garden

This is our low budget garden. We had some left over retaining wall blocks, a few bricks, compost, and a couple of hours work and we had a vegetable garden. As long as we don't back down the driveway to far we might have something to eat.

Nora at the river

Nora's idea of swimming is standing on the wet ground next to the river.

Max getting daring

This is the deepest I have seem Max get. When he turned he had to do a couple of dog paddles.

Molly swimming

We walked down to the river after supper and I let the dogs go for a swim to cool off. Molly loves to swim and dives right in. Max is getting better and will get up to his tummy to fetch a stick. Molly will jump in and go over her head with out hesitation.

Nora playing keep away with Molly

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The proud victor

Max is king of tug of war. He proudly walks across the yard with his prize.

Molly has the upper hand

Tug of war

Popham erosion

The main trail to the water from the parking lot at Popham was closed with a sign "closed do to erosion". We walked around on another path and this is a picture just down from the closed trail. Must be about a six foot cut in the sand. I walked under the tree branch with out ducking. Three weeks ago I do not remember any more than a two or three foot drop.

Nora's first trip to Popham

Nora got her first trip to Popham this afternoon. She didn't seem impressed. The tide was high and the waves were good size making lots of noise. She walked right along but never got more than a couple of feet away from Moma.

Nora's new jacket

Mama got a end of the season deal on a new jackets for Max, Molly and Nora.