Sunday, January 27, 2008

Our Trip

We had a great time on out trip to Vegas. The quality pictures are the ones Lynn took, the crooked, out of focus pictures are mine.

Monte Carlo

We were across the street from the Monte Carlo fire. Our hotel was three down from the Monte Carlo.

Concrete convention

Concrete Convention
Over a million square feet of floor space, I saw a lot of concrete stuff. This hall area, one of four that I saw, was filled with concrete pumps, cement mixers, conveyor trucks.......................... Four hours of continous walking I saw most of the convention I could find.

Colors of Death Valley

We started out the day with a 15 min. drive to Red Rock Canyon and ended up 200 miles later in Death Valley. The Grand Canyon is amazing and everything we expected but Death Valley was a surprising amazing jewel in our trip.

Death Valley

Before we went to Death Valley I envisioned hot, sand, and very flat. I never pictured mountains, amazing rock formations and a lake.

Mountain out of the desert

For miles the terrain was a flat desert and this mountain appears out of nowhere.

Death Valley Chamber of Commerce

Not much in Death Valley.

Red Rock Canyon

This area of Red Rock Canyon is an old mining site. On the other side of the red rock is an area that had been mined.

Sand dunes frozen in time at Red Rock Canyon.

About 15min from downtown Las Vegas is Red Rock Canyon. A thirteen mile loop road around the park gives you wonderful views of sand dunes that were turned to rock over time.

Colorado River

From the South Rim there are not very many views of the Colorado River. This is one of the better views you get.

Mule trails down into the canyon.

We saw a couple people walking down into the canyon but no site of any mules. I don't think January is a busy time in the park.

The views never end

The temperatures were in the 30s with a light breeze. There was a couple of inches of snow and ice on the ground.

another view

awesome view

Our first day in Vegas we took a 300 mile drive (one way) to the Grand Canyon. The view was worth the drive.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


This picture is from last week when we had nice white snow. With the warm temperatures the nice white snow has turned to hard dirty snow, not good for pictures. We did take a couple of walks this weekend in the woods behind the high school. The crusty snow lets the dogs walk easily on top of the snow.

Pretty Girl

Molly's new jacket

Lynn made some wonderful jackets for the dogs.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Another day in the backyard

Max and Molly are enjoying our January thaw. Well not much thawing at 30 degrees but 30 is much better than 5.
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Wood Pile

Look a picture without a dog.

More chasing pictures

Not very often Max is in the lead.